Monday, October 8, 2007

When Baby is Unhappy...

No one is happy! This last week Keegan was sick with a nasty cold that came with so much snot! He had a fever for 4 days straight and it felt like he never was going to recover. Bless his heart, and our hearts for that matter. We barely could get a smile out of him. Praise the Lord that through the snot-fest, Jonathan and I did not get anything.

So, I read something in my Baby 411 book that was less encouraging than anything. It said that babies begin to get sick when they start venturing out in the world. (knew that) are the statistics....
*The average number of viral infections per year for kids under age five is EIGHT!!
*Each illness lasts seven to ten days.
*Most infections occur between October and April
*That's 80 days of illness packed into six months of the year.

Lord, help us. I did not realize until last week how much your week can come to a halt, how many naps they miss, and how sad it is to watch them mope around the house when they are sick. I figure this is something I need to get used to and invest in some Airborne!


Janelle and Ella said...

Do they have baby Airborne? I'm so sorry Michelle!! That is so sad. There is nothing worst than watching your baby suffer. I'm so glad that he is better!!! Love you!

Woody said...

Awww....that is so sad, but is so true. Micah is home right now with strep throat. My heart aches when my kids are sick.
How are you feeling? I hope you are feeling good and the little buggies don't get you....and that you continue to stay well.
Write and let me know what God is doing in your life.
He's really teaching me alot right now about finances. We are in this great study called Crown Financial. It's bible based and really incredible!!
Have a great day!

Jill Marie said...

Lamar and I have been going through the same thing as Tyler. He is not out of the clear yet, but you give me hope. I hope all is going well now and I hope he is not sick for 76 more days.

Kristin said...

YIKES! I am certainly not happy to read those stats! I am so glad that you aren't feeling puny too. Hopefully all those germies are steering clear of you and little Jack!

Kay Altic said...

stinks girl...sorry that little guy was under the weather...miss you friend...