Saturday, May 12, 2007

So we digress...

He is still sleeping with the pacee.


Janelle and Ella said...

Don't be discouraged! Y'all are doing a great job!! There is nothing wrong with slowly getting him away from the pacee.

Anonymous said...

Okay, everyone has a different opinion on this one. He is not even one yet. So I am going to put my 2 sense in. Give it to him only when he sleeps. That could cut down on the rash area on his mouth? He is still a baby and needs a way to sooth himself. Maybe I am a softy - but it is either that or give him a stuffed animal to love on ?

Keep the faith and stay strong!!!


Anonymous said...

Why don't you teach him how to suck on his thumb??? That works for me, I mean workED for me... Isn't it soo fun to watch everyone grow?!?

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Girl, I don't blame ya. I don't think Ava can go cold turkey on the pacie, either.

Donna said...

my mom tricked my youngest sister into getting rid her pacee when she was younger...she cut a little hole in it and then she didn't want it any more because she could suck on it. she gave up the pacee all on her own.

Tammie Head said...

Michelle! That picture of you and Keegan in AMAZING!! How beautiful.

Love you and miss you ♥