I thought a lot if I should even blog about this, but God deserves all the praise! Today is the day that I am gladly announcing New Start day for the Sanders. The last 5 months have been the first real challenge that we have encountered in our marriage. In January we were notified that Jonathan's job was on the fence and after two plus months of trying to save his position he was let go. A little scarred from that experience, I am so proud of my husband who left with dignity and a Christ-like attitude. His old boss even commented recognized how different he was. After the complete shock wore off and his company car was taken back, we were tossed into a new world of unemployment and sharing a car. Luckily, God had been preparing us for this and had us taken care of.
Jonathan has always been a Dave Ramsey fan. I however...was not. In fact, Dave came in-between our marriage for a while and I banned him from listening to him. Last December, God TOLD me to read Dave's book. To my amazement, I realized that if I would just get on board that maybe half of our disagreements would disappear. So, In January, I jumped on board and we began saving. We were saving to pay off our car and college debt that seemed to be on going. We were excited to pay it all off, but then of course we hit the road block with unemployment. I will say, that God's ways our not our ways, but He knows what He is doing. We had money stored away to live on! It was amazing to know that God is in the center of the chaos!
For the past couple of weeks Jonathan has been doing contract work. This company has been so awesome that they are paying him for 60 days and he can look for other jobs at the same time. They would really like him to be full time with them, so we will see if Jonathan ends up staying with the company. We purchased a car last Friday, so now I feel like we can operate a bit more normally now.
We have amazing friends and family that have loved on us tremendously and I could never thank you enough. From listening to the constant worry off my lips, driving me to church, coming to our house for play dates when stranded, giving us some food and encouraging packages, paying for a hotel for us to escape to for a weekend, and having us over for dinner and lunch...I am convinced how blessed we are.
On a different front, I have a new nephew coming into the world today! Mae and Brad are expecting baby Adam and I am excited to meet him! I will leave you with this picture I took at Easter. One must learn not to stuff a ball under there shirt if you don't expect to have your picture taken! ;)