Here is another way he is getting older. He does not like me to dress him, so I have to wait for him to get totally frusturated to help the poor guy out.

Keegan is making all these new revelations in life. We were sitting at the dinner table and he pointed to Jonathan and said, "You", then pointed to me and said, "You", then pointed to Jack and said, "You", and finally pointed to himself and in a resolute way said, "ME!" It was like the big light bulb in his head went off. He is learning all sorts of things as well. The one thing in the last week that totally caught me off guard is when we pulled to a stop sign and he said, "Look mommy...an OCTAGON!" I had him repeat it back to me because I could not believe that #1 he knew that word and #2 he put two and two together that a stop sign was in that shape. I am enjoying his mind develop and hearing all his new words, sayings, and imaginary play. It is truly amazing.
Now if he can be a whiz at potty training (no pun intended). Soon to find out....
i hate hate hate them growing up, yet it's so fun to watch too!! bittersweet. yay for him staying in bed! i will be praying for the potty training!
love u!
What a big boy! I too love the fact that their minds are growing and learning so much. Every time we go by HNW now Campbell say's "keegan's church, not my church but keegan's church." Funny how she knows the difference and remembers that she was there with him. On the potty training....Follow the plan (the book) and hold to it and IT will work...he's more than ready. See you soon. PS. Put Campbell on his "people who care list."
Ahhh...that's so cute!! I know what you mean about being in awe over how their minds work. It's so incredible to witness on a daily basis!
So if he is identifying octagons, I don't think you need to worry about him being in MDO!
Okay, I am cracking up at your pun!
Hi! This is so random but I found your blog through a mutual friend. I also do extended care at FBC and had Keagan in our nursery room. Anyways, I have a few questions about your "helmet experience". If you have a second could you email me: kristenstedham@gmail.com.
thanks so much!
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