I am sitting here trying to get started on this post and Keegan keeps looking at me with those big blue eyes. He is 16 months and I am so in love with him. I love his fun personality that keeps me on my toes most of the time. He is so active now since he started walking and sometimes I catch myself thinking, "Where did all this time go?" He warms my heart so much and the love I have for him is unexplainable. Every time that he learns a new word, or does something new, I am so proud of him. He learned the word "ball", which GiGi gets total credit for, and now he says it constantly. My favorite thing as of late is his attempt to sing. It does not sound like much right now, but I am holding out for the day when he is belting some tunes down the road. He has also started his way of dancing which is making circles in our living room. He has this funny little grin where he crinkles his nose and shows me all his teeth that I have yet to catch on camera, but makes me laugh every time.
What makes my mind spin the most knowing that in 7 weeks or less I will have another little one to love. I am not sure how this can happen, but I know that God will give me more love to pour out for Jack. I am getting so excited to meet him and have another little one to hold!
For a month now, Keegan has been enfactuated with my flat belly button. I ask him, "Where is Jack?" and he lifts up my shirt and pokes it. When he pokes it he makes this funny noise that Jonathan taught him. Now when I ask him where Jack is, he lifts up his shirt and presses his belly button while making the noise. So, I think he is going to be a little bewildered when Jack comes. I can just see the confusion written on his face, "Is this squirmy attention stealer thing, Jack, or the hole in my tummy Jack?"
For a quick update, I went to the doctor two weeks ago for an ultrasound check-up (yeah..sorry for the late update) and got a good report. Jack is growing really well and will be a normal size baby. If he comes early like Keegan he will weigh about the same as he did. This morning, I took another test for for preterm labor, so I should get the results soon. She did mention that my cervix was softening, so who knows! I read that this is the start of labor, but it could be weeks. I am getting ready as if it is happening in 3 weeks (about the time when Keegan came) and if he doesn't come until closer till his due date, I get to enjoy my Christmas holiday. You win both ways!
What a blessed time in your life! Time does fly by and kids grow up way too fast! You are going to do great with 2 kids, look how adorable Keegan is! Keep us updated!
Kim, Jeff, and Mallory
I can't believe how soon it is!
Awe....i miss ya'll and love ya'll!! I hope everything is goin well with ya'll!! I just started a new blog so maybe you can stay in tune with my life and see what i'm up to these days!! Check it out...you know you want to!!
What a sweet picture. I remember feeling just like you do before Mia was born. It was hard to imagine life with two, but God will bless you with the grace and love you need to make it through each day!
That is so cute! I bet Keegan WILL be confused! Too funny.
I'm right at the same point you are--I forgot we have about the same due date. Sounds like your Jack will be coming earlier than our Baby B, though. It'd be fun to have him in time for Christmas!
That is such a precious picture!! I'm sure you will treasure that one forever.
I can NOT believe Jack could come as soon as 3 weeks from now!! Yea! I feel a roadtrip coming on. :-)
you look precious!!! so excited for you!
i am so glad you are doing so well. i cant not wait to meet jack and i know keegan is going to be a great big brother!!! keep us updated
Michelle...wow, it has been forever! I found a link to your blog through Amanda Jone's blog. Congrats on baby #2 on the way! I am about 9 weeks from my due date so we'll have little ones very close in age! We are having a little boy. We are going to name him Micah Jeffrey Carson. I'll be praying for you as you approach your due date and the potential early arrival of Jack. Cute name by the way.:) Love you friend!
Angela (Welsh) Carson
Michelle, I saw you from a distance Wednesday night coming into the church. I was on the feeder road running home quickly before having a long committee meeting later. I would have honked but I would have been past you by the time you would have looked. You look great! Wish I could have seen you in person. Love you!
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