The other day was another one of those rare days. Keegan and I decided to go for a walk and passed this overcrowded planted balcony. For some reason I never noticed it before so I looked at it closely. Then "it" startled me. I looked closer and yes...this is what I saw. A armless beach bum mannequin with sunglasses on. It was one of those times that I really wished someone was with me because I was dying laughing. I later got to relive the moment wtih Christine as she busted out her zoom lens to take this picture.
What will I ever do when I move from this place?
I would give anything to have been with y'all during these encounters. I can only imagine the laughter.
What will you do for entertainment when you move? Keegan will never remember the German man in a horse costume--you'll have to put it in a scrapbook and tell him about it later.
That is hilarious!! I can just imagine you laughing. It's a little creepy though!
That's hysterical!
BTW, your confession on Courtney's "Please don't laugh" prompted me to write about my "blankie" that I still sleep with ! Glad I am not alone....
Hope you are doing well.....
that is frightening. i have no clue about this man. what condo is this? i want to stay very very far away!! :) and i think you should stop this talk about moving away. how could you ever leave the charm of good ole bayou woods?
becky smith
hahahaha! i cant quit laughing! i love that christine took a picture! i am so excited to see you this week!!! yippee!
You can mark this off on strange things to see today list. I miss you in staff meetings, but I dutifully mark off each item we discuss on the agenda just like you were there at the meeting. Only thing when I laugh about finally getting to cross it off I get some strange looks. Miss you!
Those are two of the weirdest things you could possible see! I really can't imagine someone walking around in a horse costume...please tell me it was Halloween!
I'm wheezing like I did when Christine jumped on our bed at Lake Tomahawk. I go by a house on my walks that has 6 plastic chickens in his yard, and occasionally they are moved around. But nothing compares to the beach bum mannequin.
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